The land of Panevėžys is dotted with barrows, burial-grounds, graveyards, hill forts, ancient sacred sites. All such places are real jewels for an archaeologist, traveler or researcher, for anyone who is interested in and excited by the past, one of the substantial testimonies of human being, conditions, and circumstances of his existence.
Upytė Hill fort known as Hill of Čičinskas, the sacred mountain of Burveliai dating back to earlier pagan times, mythical stones at Naurašiliai and other sites, well -groomed and cared for village cemeteries inviting to learn more about the way of life of our ancestors and to be with them in the face of eternity, to name just a few of the sites of interest in Panevėžys district. Such quaint places delight your eyes, nourish, and comfort your soul weary of everyday routine.
Top 1 Krekenava Regional Park
The park was established in 1992 in order to preserve the landscapes of the midway of Nevėžis river, its natural ecosystem and cultural heritage values, as well as manage and use them rationally. The total area of the park covers 11 968 ha. The area stretches alongside both sides of Nevėžis Valley and covers the part of Krekenava, Upytė, Naujamiestis and Ramygala Elderships including the part of Surviliškis Eldership in Kėdainiai District. There is a 30 m observation tower near the Visitors’ Centre which reveals a wonderful view of Nevėžis Valley, old hoof-shaped riverbeds, lake lets, Krekenava town with small basilica towers, Central Lithuania plains with fields, forests and scattered homesteads. A 0,5 km “Path of Senses” with twelve stations is established near the center, where you can swing on water, feel the energy of the oak, walk barefoot through a bare feet massage path, swing, try a natural massage and hear the sounds of nature.
Top 2 The Bison Paddock
This one of the most impressive attractions in Panevėžys district, where you can see the largest European wild animals – European bisons. They were widespread throughout Europe until the 16th century. Bisons are enrolled in the Red Book.
Years ago, it was believed that these animals are extinct, because of the agricultural development, hunting and other factors affecting their breed. However, their population has been restored again and over 200 of them are wandering free in Pašiliai forest.
The first two Belavezha bisons were brought from Russia’s Prioksko–Terrasny Nature Reserve in 1969 named – MOTOK and MODA. In 1971 MODA got a baby bison and it was the first baby bison named GIRINIS born in Pašiliai Bison paddock. According to the international agreement, bisons born in Pašiliai bison paddock are named with capital letters “GI” and given international numbers.
You will be surprised to see how friendly bisons are with other animals within the farm. It’s a perfect place to spend all day in nature with a family, where you can bring your own basket of snacks and drinks. There are benches and arbours to have a rest while walking around in the forest.
Top 3 The Moon Stone Park
It‘s an open-air exhibition of modern art sculptures made of stone. The Moon Stone Park has been established in 2005 by the famous Panevėžys sculptor – Alfridas Pajuodis. In his attempt the abandoned Leonardvaras Manor park has evolved into the oasis of culture and art.
The origin of the park’s name came from the biggest exhibit within the park which weights eight tones and reminds a cosmic object by it’s texture.
Lately you may find 14 pieces of art within 2,5 ha area within the park. According to Alfridas Pajuodis most of his sculptors relate to motives from The Bible, but for sure visitors are welcome to interpret it in their own way. Alfridas Pajuodis says, that it’s a magic place for those who experience love issues.
Top 4 The Ethnographic Open-air Museum in Smilgiai
Just 20 minutes drive from Panevėžys you find Smilgiai eldership on your right side. Smilgiai is worth to visit not only because of it’s ethnographic museum, but also the St. Jurgis Church. Both-the church and the ethnographic open-air museum are situated in the main street – Panevėžys street.
The etnographic museum has been established in 1979. It is the representation of the peasant‘s farmstead, where visitors are inttroduced to the authentic peasant‘s household and craft back from the 19th century. The farmstead covers 6 houses: the ”gryčia“, which means the dwelling house, the smithery house, the barn, the stable, the bathhouse including the chappel column. All houses were brought from places all around Panevėžys region.
Just 5 minutes walk from the ethnographic open-air museum you will see an astonishing baroque wooden church of St. George built in 1764. It is assumed that the left side the altar is remained back from the 17th century church. Nevertheless, the main altar is known as one of the most embellished altars in The Baltic States and the belfry is known as the place for book smuggling. Every visitor will be amazed to see a unique heritage of the wooden sculptors inside the church and enormous glamorous pictures.
Top 5 The Bistrampolis Manor
It is one of the most significant manors in the Northern Lithuania allocated just 14 km away from Panevėžys and 700 meters from the road Via Baltica.
This manor has already existed since the end of the fifteenth century. The manor was owned by Bistramai family since the end of the seventeenth century till 1940. The pioneer of Lithuanian branch of Bistramai family was Jonas Kazimieras Bistramas – the landlord of The King Vladislav the 4th. His son Jonas Evaldas has acquired the manor in 1695, which was then called Barklainiai and it started to be called Bistrampolis in the second half of the eighteenth century.
The manor relates to the Polish culture, as the famous Polish write- Henryk Sienkiewicz has been working there on his great historical trilogy: „With Fire and Sword“ (1883-1884), „The Deluge“ (1884-1886) and „Pan Michael“ (1887-1888). It is also known that the Nobel Prize winner has been the relative to the Bistrampai family. Built in 1850, the palace of the manor has remained the same till nowadays. The guest rooms were on the ground floor and the large hall took the entire right side of the building. The first floor was for the representation. There were larger and smaller salons, dining room, working room and the library. The landlords had accumulated around 2 000 books, a rich family archive and the art collection. Nevertheless, the ensemble of the manor covers 10 remained buildings where the oldest one is dated back to 1820.
The restored manor by EU funds invites visitors to have a walk in a large park with ponds and bridges, enjoy horses and lamas, play outdoor tennis, basketball, mini- football, have a picnic with your family or just enjoy the peace of mind in nature reading a book on Birute’s Hill.
Top 6 The Upytė castle side – Čičinskas Hill
The Upytė Mound (Tarnagalos) is perfectly seen from the Panevėžys-Krekenava road. It is assumed that in between centuries the 13th-16th on the top of the 4-5 high meter hill there stood a castle, which was the centre for the whole Upytė land including the present Panevėžys district. The castle was surrounded by the lake Vešeta and been the main obstacle for the Livonian Order to conquer it. In between the 17th-18th centuries the Polish nobleman – Vladislovas Sicinskis had his mansion nearby the former castle. Vladislovas Sicinskis is known for being the first to execute his Liberum veto rights in order to disrupt Sejm convention. The Liberum veto was believed to be one of the factors leading to the collapse of Polish-Lithuanian democracy. According to a local legend the evil master Čičinskas was struck by thunder god Perkūnas for all his sins, and his estate sank in a sinkhole located near the Upytė hillfort, called now the “Hill of Čičinskas”.
Once you are already in Upytė eldership, it is also worth to see the Upytė manor- the reflection of Lithuanian history. Visitors are welcome at the traditional crafts centre within the Upytė Manor’s area, where they can try themselves in crafts suggested by the centre in accordance to the seasonal fests.
Passing by Upytė towards Ramygala and Ėriškiai you will see The Sultiškiai windmill originally built in 1880. It has been restored and adapted for tourist purposes in 1994. Now, the three-storey mill is used, as a Flax Museum. Educational sessions about the way of processing the linen back from ancient times are shown here.
Top 7
The Panevėžys Alpacas Farm
To end up our tour, we would like to invite you to relax with alpacas in Medikoniai village. We hope that these soft, friendly and kind animals will take away the recent tension and you will get back home with a smile on your face.☺