News Vilnius Where to eatA historic tour of the oldest restaurant in Vilnius Old Town (video)Naujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2024 December 5 by Naujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2024 December 5 Restaurant LOKYS is the oldest and one of most iconic restaurants in Vilnius Old Town. The history of Lithuania and Vilnius is present at every...
News Vilnius Where to eatOne for All: Tastes of World Cuisine in the Heart of UžupisNaujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2024 July 22024 July 2 by Naujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2024 July 22024 July 2 Do you know that feeling when you and your family or friends can’t agree on where to go and eat? One person wants a traditional...
News Vilnius Where to eatLocals recommend: TOP 20 places to eat in VilniusAgnė Cimermanaitė2024 March 252024 April 17 by Agnė Cimermanaitė2024 March 252024 April 17 With many restaurants in Vilnius offering a great variety of global cuisines and dining options, we picked 20 eateries for everyone’s taste. Here you will...