News Things to know Things to see VilniusVilna Gaon and Jewish StreetIeva Sadauskaitė2020 November 11 by Ieva Sadauskaitė2020 November 11 Jewish (Žydų) Street, like many others, was part of the Jewish Quarter. It was next to the Great Synagogue and Stiklių (Glassmakers’) Street. The street...
News Things to know VilniusThis year marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of the Vilna GaonNaujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2020 May 312020 June 3 by Naujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2020 May 312020 June 3 The name of Elijah ben Solomon Zalman (1720–1797), the Vilna Gaon, is well known to many Lithuanians today. The year 2020 is the Year of...