News Things to seeThe Amber Road: from the Baltic to the EtruscansNaujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2022 July 27 by Naujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2022 July 27 Lithuania is proud of the Curonian Spit – a truly special creation of the nature and man – the sand dune peninsula, separating the Curonian...
News Things to seePalanga Amber museum – virtual tourNaujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2020 March 212020 March 30 by Naujienų redaktorius - Evaldas Činga2020 March 212020 March 30 The Palanga Amber Museum was established on August 3, 1963. It is housed on the estate of Count Feliksas Tiskevicius (1865-1932). The estate, designed by...