David Lindo, also known as the Urban Birder, after visiting Vilnius with the birdwatching objective, writes the following:
“Out of all the countries in Europe, Lithuania is perhaps the least well known to British birders. Indeed, it is very poorly visited by any outside birders, despite playing host to an amazing range of species throughout the year. The most southerly of the Baltic states, Lithuania has a culture very distinct from its more northerly neighbours.
Its capital, Vilnius, with a population of just fewer than 500,000 people, is practically unheard of as an urban birding venue – but there are plenty of birds to be found. There can be few cities in which you can expect to find nearly all of Europe’s woodpeckers or to commonly come across breeding Greenish Warblers.
Your urban birding can start right in the centre of the old town, that is designated as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. While admiring the medieval architecture, also dish out equal admiration for the Black Redstarts that adorn many of the city’s pinnacles. The diminutive Serin is another species that can be readily seen flying around, along with the ubiquitous House Sparrow. Before you visit Bernardine Park in the centre of town be sure to walk along the River Vilnelé during the summer months where you can listen for some of the city’s many Greenish Warblers singing.”
Read more here.